

It has been a long journey from a small town in Iowa to the futuristic world of high technology in Silicon Valley to teaching personal growth in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Europe, the U.S., and the island of Bali.

Verlaine Crawford grew up along the Mississippi River near LeClaire, Iowa, with 40 acres of forest behind their home where she and the neighborhood kids enjoyed long days of playing adventurers. Her family moved to California and settled in Carmel-by-the-Sea, where she attended high school and loved every minute of living there. “This little European village with a white sandy beach and tall pines was like heaven on earth!” she exclaims. It was a joy when she traveled through Europe in her early twenties and many times during her life.

Verlaine in Carmel-by-the-Sea on the Monterey Peninsula in California

She attended the University of California before it became revolutionary and then UCLA, where she studied International Relations. Over the years, she has studied all religions, spiritual information, medicine, alternative healing, and how our thoughts become reality.

At twenty-five, she met the love of her life by following her intuition and going to the Passport agency in Los Angeles (even though she had a passport). They have been partners for 55 years, with time out for other adventures and then back together again.

Her natural love of writing and communicating led to a marketing and public relations career. Along the way, she did marketing for a variety of businesses, from restaurants and hotels (the Lodge at Pebble Beach) to high-tech (first female vice-president of two software companies in Silicon Valley in the 1980s) to architecture and interior design to health care, Chambers of Commerce, and non-profit agencies.

In August 1971, Verlaine was Chief Copywriter for an ad agency on Miracle Mile (Wilshire Blvd.) in Los Angeles. She was in a small elevator room in the underground parking garage of the Equitable Life Assurance Building. An assailant dressed in a guard uniform came from behind her and grabbed her around the neck with a knife to her throat. The other elevator opened. Two men started to exit, and the “guard” stabbed her in the back and ran away. Her lung collapsed. After spending time in the hospital, she experienced PTSD. She returned to work and tried to assist the police in locating the guard. In March 1972, police entered the ad agency and yelled, “Everyone out of the building! Bomb threat, fifteenth floor. Our floor. That was enough. She moved back to Carmel to recover and build a new life.

In 1987, Verlaine opened to other dimensions and began to channel an Angelic Being who provided personal and professional answers filled with wisdom and love. Word spread and people came to private homes in Southern California to experience Ixaca. In 1992, she was invited to teach in Japan, followed by invitations to Hong Kong, Australia, Bali, Italy, France, and across the U.S.

In 1992, clients prompted her to write her first book, Ending the Battle Within, having developed an integration process that she writes about in her book, The Power of Wholeness. She was guided by Ixaca, her studies of psychology, and her interactions with people from all walks of life. She observed that many individuals are deeply affected by a myriad of competing inner voices that form blocks to manifesting their heart’s desires.

Parents, friends, teachers, politicians, professionals, actors, media hosts, authors, movie producers, and others propagate their ideas and beliefs about every possible subject. These competing concepts come from all directions, causing confusion and emotional upheaval. The deluge of personal opinions framed as facts eventually fractures the brain’s organizing principle of rational thinking.

When people experience years of victimizing, blaming, and hateful commentary, their minds are disrupted, and they no longer maintain inner peace. Caught in a web of chaos, they weaken. The spark of life dims, and their power and will to succeed drain away.

Exhausted by a mind constantly attacking internally and flipping from one subject to another, individuals relinquish control of their lives and follow the path of least resistance. They end up with voices in their heads telling them to do this or that, arguing with them, denigrating their spirits, dampening their enthusiasm, and eliminating their ability to expand and truly enjoy life.

Verlaine’s books, including the latest, The Power of Wholeness, are meant to give you answers about how to work with all those voices by imagining them to be different parts of you. You can reason with your subpersonalities, integrate them into your whole being, and experience your full power.

“The premise for sharing this information from my heart to your heart is for you to be able to expand your inner strength and power,” explains Verlaine. “It is my desire to help you create a peaceful, harmonious place in which to dwell. It is important that you have the ability to wipe away false perceptions and see the world more clearly and joyfully.”

“Understanding how to integrate all parts of you will provide wisdom and understanding to make informed decisions easily. You will be able to relax into success, health, and creativity. You will love yourself and life completely!”