Inspirational Teacher
Verlaine has had the good fortune to serve as an inspirational teacher/speaker, spiritual development seminar leader, psychic channeler of an angelic being (Ixaca), and counselor/consultant/mentor to many people in the U.S. and other countries. She can tap into her clients’ energy fields and soul patterns and help them realize their talents, abilities, pathways, and how to connect to their intuitive/spiritual guidance.
Verlaine Crawford’s Philosophy:
We are creators. We create our lives from ideas we hold as beliefs and concepts about people and events. We create through our vision and imagination. That creative force is always functioning, whether we know it or not. We can either consciously create a harmonious, joyful life, or we can unconsciously create a hit-or-miss, chaotic life. The more we see the relationship between what we are thinking and what happens to us, the more we can shift what we do not want into what we prefer. Many become so engrossed in their drama that they never consider creating a fun and easy life.
We are not separate from the source, which is God. For God, whatever you conceive of that force to be is tremendous energy that animates us, and it fuels our imagination and proves our beliefs. The energy of God is neutral, manifesting vibrational frequency. Because we have free will, we can choose to listen to this positive energy, or we can choose to ignore it. Those who ignore it are not allowing themselves to achieve harmony and balance in their lives. Those who choose to listen can accept their lives, in good times and in bad – allowing for a fulfilling and harmonious life.
Raise your consciousness, release negative energy, and widen your awareness. Creating greater awareness is similar to hiking to the top of a mountain, where you can see a valley far below. At a greater height, we have a much larger perspective. When we increase our vision, we have an unobstructed vantage point, and it becomes easier to let the positive energy work in our lives. Positive energy allows us to be the best we can be, and a wider perspective allows us to understand our own particular circumstances – with acceptance and happiness.
Within each of us, many sub-personalities serve as the keepers of our beliefs. It is the job of these sub-personalities to prove that the belief they hold is true. These parts of us grab hold of an idea/belief/concept through input from our environment. For instance, we might believe that eating anything we like is ideal. Yet, another part of you wants to go on a diet and lose weight. The one who likes to eat often wins. Many opposing beliefs can be within each of us; therefore, we move toward success and then find ourselves blocked. What you want turns into what you fear. The more neutral we can become, knowing what we prefer but not holding onto “having to have it” or “fearing it will happen,” the more we will allow ourselves to reach the highest goals.
We are each a soul with a body. We are beings of light, vibrating with iridescent colors that indicate our emotions. Within us, this light can illuminate sadness or happiness, whichever we choose – this is the acceptance of a higher meaning of self. When we turn away from our Higher Selves, the full, energetic beings that we are will become limited and afraid. When we expand into the incredible love that envelopes us, we feel God’s force that leads us toward completeness.
Learn more in this article.